Everyone who pays attention knows there’s a sleazy side of professional sports. College players and agents and money under the table …
Sports Illustrated has an account from Josh Luchs, formerly an NFL agent, where he comes clean on what it took for him to get started in the business and on his exit as well.
I can’t do it any more justice than the story did itself. Click here to go to the story.
It will be strange if Eli Manning is elected first ballot. Will Ben Roethlisberger as well? What about Rivers and…
So Woodson and EAllen are well positioned right now for at least decent chance of election in coming years (and…
and history has shown us (eg Albert Lewis) getting moved as semi-finalist into finalist stage last year on modern ballot…
I worry less about 4 moderns per year as with 20 years of eligibility still plenty of time for deserving…
Yea I remain hopeful that the system self corrects or Hall steps in to revise rules so at least we…