After nearly two years of announcements, campaigns, primaries, caucuses, conventions and debates this year’s presidential election is a mere five days away.
It’s crunch time and we’re being bombarded with bitter, vindictive television and radio advertisements and mailings every day. As much as I care what direction our country is heading in I can’t wait until this election cycle ends – and I would have to guess I’m not alone.
But the folks at ESPN don’t seem to think we’ve had enough. Chris Berman intends to interview each candidate Monday and the network will air them during the game.
Do they really think Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama are going to cut open a vein for them? Is there really going to be something groundbreaking? Haven’t we heard enough of these candidates pandering to the sports teams in whatever city they happen to be in on any given day?
I guess I’ll just watch the game with the sound off. I think I get the Westwood One radio coverage somewhere on my radio dial.
Yes on offense I agree that controlling the ball via rushing attack is needed but like the Lions found out…
Paul: easier said than done. Daniels is not your typical rookie qb. He already has more no punt/no turnover games…
Key will be for Eagles defense to press Daniels (as rookie QB) into mistakes and perhaps INT-take advantage of his…
Brian Wolf: I love your optimism, but I’m not so sure. Philly is a deeply flawed team, but I’m not…
Good playoff games this weekend, with the Bills getting another chance to beat the Chiefs in postseason. I predict they…