We’ve written a couple of posts regarding Twitter and the NFL now, a topic that given that my day job requires a certain amount of knowledge of the platform, continues to amaze me. I’ve grown from someone who thought Twitter was a complete waste of time to someone who…thinks that it’s still largely a waste of time, but is strangely useful and entertaining for certain things.
For instance, during the NFL draft this past spring, I was watching the draft and following along on Twitter at the same time, gauging reaction from fans (and in a couple cases communicating directly with them) around the country (globe?) in real time, as the picks rolled in.
Further, as we’ve built our list of people we follow, we now occasionally find news tidbits that we will write about, or explore further on Zoneblitz.
More recently, we’ve started following a lot of NFL players, teams, and league employees (and even Drew Rosenhaus…although we still feel kind of dirty about that), watching for their opinions and comments on league happenings. A lot of it is crap, but again, at times it’s entertaining.
To that end, we’ve started putting together a list of all of the official NFL team, player, and media profiles that we’ve found, so that anyone who’s into Twitter can find their favorite team’s players, and start following them as well.
We’ll do our best to finish the list (we’re probably not even half way there yet), and keep it updated–but feel free to contact us if you see something that we’ve failed to catch.
I guess what I am saying Andy P is that transparency is great, just doubt that it improves the results
So what do you mean where you say transparency?
Paul I don’t know what are you trying to say
Let’s say we had a lot more transparency during class of 2025 election - would it have changed outcome?
Paul what do you mean it doesn’t improves outcome