The latest rumor (other than ESPN’s update tonight that the Vikings have suspended their pursuit of Favre–presumably until tomorrow, when they wake up and start again) is that Favre’s family and friends have booked a block of rooms at the Midway Motor Lodge near Lambeau Field for the weekend of the Vikings game against the Green Bay Packers on Nov. 1
Every report of this story that I’ve seen has been accompanied by the mention that this COULD be a sign that Favre has told those close to him that he is returning.
But what if it isn’t? What if a really clever manager or bellhop just started the rumor to drum up some publicity for the Midway Motor Lodge? Get some early reservations going, and hope that people don’t cancel in time, or decide to make the trip even if Favre stays retired?
Or, another possibility–what if Favre has actually decided NOT to come back, and he’s been in touch with the Packers, and that’s the weekend they’re finally going to retire #4?
OK, admittedly, neither of those scenarios seem real plausible–but neither does the idea that family & friends booking a block of rooms means he’s 100% coming back, if you ask me.
Until we finally hear something direct from Brad Childress or Favre himself, all of these reports–NFL Network, ESPN, etc–they are all 100% speculation, in my eyes. And speculation that I could care less about. After all, it’s only about two and a hlaf months until our first fantasy draft…
100% agreed on the locks for the seniors if we had a fifth slot my pick would either be Matheson…
hard to say if momentum is gathering, but we had 10 seniors elected in 2020 centennial class, doesn't seem unreasonable…
I'm sold on 4 of them Brian not quite sold on Benton just yet
A special election could continue to gather momentum but it would probably only be 3-5 players at the most. Its…
Agreed like you said the direct elect option is the only way that the super seniors get in