So, you know that post I wrote last week about the Packers first nationally-televised game since Brett Favre was traded, umm, oops.

I’ll blame it on being a Vikings fan and blocking out the opening night Monday night game. And on not being able to actually watch that game.

But it ranks among the dumbest mistakes I’ve made not only since co-starting Zoneblitz, but since getting into the journalism profession in the first place.

Normally I wouldn’t do a post just to bring attention to a mistake. But I deserve any and all ridicule that comes along with this one. To the league-mate that pointed out this humiliating error on our league web site – I’d say good catch, but it was such a blatantly obvious screw-up … nonetheless thanks for pointing it out and subjecting me to the ridicule that I so richly deserve.

So, this game between Green Bay and Dallas – the second prime-time, nationally-televised game since Brett Favre got traded – should provide the NBC announcing team with plenty of opportunities to get nauseatingly reminiscent … bah. Nevermind. A post like that just doesn’t carry any weight after a mistake like that.