Cedric Benson Still Doesn’t Get It

Used to be, when you were talking about a former University of Texas running back who went to the pros, and just didn’t get it, there was only one guy you could be talking about.  Now, while Ricky Williams is supposedly on the straight and narrow, participating in OTAs for the first time in a long time, and actually trying to get better, Cedric Benson just can’t seem to get it into his head that his talent does not really make him invincible.

Benson, who was arrested about a month ago for supposedly operating a boat under the influence and then resisting arrest (which he claimed he did not do, and that they police used excessive force), did not help his situation by being arrested early this morning on the suspicion of driving under the influence.

Strangely enough, this might actually improve the situation in Chicago for fantasy football players–if Benson keeps this up, the Bears might just give up on him altogether, and just plan to go with second round pick Matt Forte into the season. 

Of course, that won’t make up for the lack of quarterback or wide receivers…

Tyree fighting for roster spot … duh

There are some rumblings from the east coast that Super Bowl hero David Tyree might be in a fight for his roster spot this season. Hopefully those reports are correct because he should be.

Don’t get me wrong. Tyree had a great Super Bowl making one of the finest plays you’ll ever see in crunch time, and he also caught a touchdown pass earlier in the fourth quarter. His place in history will be secure for his play in that game, as it should be…

But David Tyree is not an elite NFL wide receiver, or at very least, he still has a lot to prove if he is. In five years with the Giants he has played in 73 games and caught 54 passes. Outside the playoffs last year he rocked the league by catching four passes for 35 yards, nary a one for a touchdown, in 12 games.


Kevin Jones healing fast

Kevin Jones is five months into rehabilitating an ACL reconstruction and a doctor says he is as much as seven months ahead of schedule. All he needs, according to mlive.com (what the hell is mlive.com?), he’s motivated and looking to show teams he is worth more than a minimum-level salary.

Now, Jones has always been injury prone. He hasn’t played 16 games in his four-year career and just last year came back early from a Lisfranc surgery on his left foot.

But when he is in there he’s shown flashed of brilliance as a runner and the ability to catch the ball out of the backfield. He’s motivated by the opportunity to show the Lions coaching staff they made a mistake by cutting him.

I think someone is going to take this guy to either split carries (Paired with Laurence Maroney in New England? Maybe he fits as another cog in Seattle in case Julius Jones is mediocre?) or as insurance (Rudi J in Cincy and Edgerrin James in Arizona have been trending downward) against an aging back sliding.

He could end up being a pretty good fit in Chicago too as Cedric Benson continues to disappoint and you never know with rookies, although Matt Forte is reportedly a guy the Bears staff is legitimately excited about.

I like this option the best. If the Bears were to bring in Jones and give him a chance to get some real carries, it still wouldn’t make the Bears a contender this year. But with the motivation of playing against the Lions twice, Jones would become a sleeper running back to watch out for in fantasy football drafts in the next couple of months.

Some guys really oughta shut up

It’s the longest, most boring part of the NFL offseason and the media is desperate for stories. Two players without the credentials to be talking smack provided their local outlets with stories, both of whom probably would have been better off keeping their mouths shut.


Some owners support New Orleans for 2013 Super Bowl

During a time in which NFL owners risk alienating fans through risking a work stoppage by buying out the last two years of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, at least a half dozen owners have gotten it right by supporting one good proposal – returning the Super Bowl to New Orleans in 2013.

The French Quarter last hosted a Super Bowl in 2002. The city obviously continues to struggle with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and it hasn’t bid for the big game in awhile. But the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports that at least a half-dozen influential owners, including the Cowboys’ Jerry Jones, the Saints’ Tom “Twinkletoes” Benson, and Chicago’s Mike McCaskey support the move.


WR Schroeder misses having name in the news

Ahh, Packers fans often make themselves an easy target for ridicule. Somewhat less often … well, no, fairly frequently current and former players do as well. Today is no exception.

Remember Bill Schroeder? Yes, THE Bill Schroeder? The moderately successful, decent wide receiver from the late 90s and early 00s who last played with the Pack in 2001 and last donned an NFL uniform in 2004?
