By The Numbers: Best #36 in NFL History

By The Numbers: Best #36 in NFL History

36When I randomly drew #36 as the next number in our By the Numbers series to write about, I thought it would be a great number to debate, especially given the Hall of Fame candidacy of Jerome Bettis, whom many (including yours truly) feel will likely get the nod next year. But in starting the research, a few things surprised me:

  1. Somehow, we’ve never actually done a post questioning whether or not Bettis is actually worthy of the Hall of Fame. Assume that will be rectified soon, because even though I have him picked to get voted in, I’m not sure he would get my vote.
  2. There are shockingly few big name #36’s in NFL history. Or really any sport, actually–in Best by Number (the book that inspired this series), Meadowlark Lemon is given the nod as best #36 across all sports–a guy who played in games that weren’t even real. Basketball & hockey are pretty much not mentioned (at least names I recognize). And baseball? Let’s just say when Jerry Koosman makes the top six, you’re not exactly talking about a storied number.

So who was the Best #36 in NFL history? Hit the jump to find out…
