Bet the Mortgage: Week 10, 2019

Bet the Mortgage: Week 10, 2019

Well …

That sucked the big one.

After a couple months of halfway solid picking, Andy and Tony both took it in the shorts in week 9. The duo combined to go 1-7 and they lost almost everything they had built up the first eight weeks.

That was humbling.

Here are the standings:

Week 9 W/L Week 9  $ Season W/L Season $ Bankroll
Andy 1-3 -$2,083 17-17-2 $266 $10,266
Tony 0-4 -$4,500 17-18-1 $708 $10,708

And here are the bets: (more…)

Bet the Mortgage: Week 10, 2019

Bet the Mortgage: Week 8, 2019

As mentioned on this site a number of times in the past, it’s not so much getting all your picks right – it’s getting the right ones correct. Andy and Tony both went 2-2 last week, but Tony gained a chunk and Andy lost a chunk (f#$%& rain storm in Washington).

That leaves us here:

Week 7 W/L Week 7 $ Season W/L Season $ Bankroll
Andy 2-2 -$1,230 14-13-1 +$1,205 $11,205
Tony 2-2 +$1,659 15-12-1 +$3,418 $13,418

And here are the bets for week eight:
