Favre wants out

Okay, I know. Zoneblitz posted yesterday that Packer QB Favre wanted to play for the Vikings based on a goofball in Mississippi calling KFAN-AM radio in Minneapolis. But this one’s coming from the Entertainment Sports Programming Network itself, as Chris Mortenson is now reporting that Number Four wants out of Green Bay and has asked for his release.

Zoneblitz has gone on record saying the Packers should welcome him back if they want to make a Super Bowl run. And Zoneblitz has also been on record during all of the March retirement hubbub saying he would lead the Packers to a victory over the Vikes at least once this season.

Well, we may have been partially wrong, but it looks as though the rumors of Favre’s desired return are true. And who knows, if he is able to pressure the team into giving him his release, maybe Favre will spend a year or two tormenting the Packers while wearing purple.

This could get ugly in Green Bay – Favre could be taking a huge risk here testing the goodwill he’s built up over the years. But hey, if the guy wants to play they’ve got no real choice but to let him play, whether that happens in Green Bay, Minnesota or somewhere else.

I have mixed feelings about whether or not I’d like to see him end up in Minnesota. But it’d be hard to argue against what Favre could do when coupled with a decent offensive line and a running game comprised of Adrian Peterson and Chester Taylor. I still think it’s more likely that he ends up with the Panthers, the Ravens or the Falcons. But of those four, the purple is arguably the closest to being able to make a run.


There’re no feelings in football

Well, the only reference to Brett Favre on the SunHerald.com Web site as of this morning is for a book about the signal caller selling through something called the South Mississippi Store, so perhaps the caller to KFAN-AM Thursday afternoon was a crackpot.

Or he does work in classifieds at the paper but he jumped the gun in calling a radio station in Minnesota to say Favre wants to play for the Vikings.


Report: Favre wants to play for the Vikings

Brett Favre is angry with the Green Bay Packers and wants to play for the Minnesota Vikings, according to an interview on KFAN-AM in Minneapolis.

A member of the classified advertising staff for the Biloxi Sun Herald in Mississippi, who apparently is related to a member of the KFAN staff and also has a relationship with the Favre family, told KFAN that Favre doesn’t think much of the Packers’ wide receiver corp and also feels as though the team hasn’t wanted him for at least a couple years.

We here at Zoneblitz are skeptical at this point of the accuracy of the interview. A quick scan of the Biloxi Sun Herald Web site does not show a classified advertising staffer by the name of the person who was interviewed. And at times it almost seemed like a radio bit – as a caller following the interview said. “You almost pulled it off,” the caller said. “He is probably one of the higher performing people in his trailer park.”


Channing Crowder thinks he’s underpaid?

I about choked up the mini brownie bite I shouldn’t have been eating this morning when I came across a headline saying Channing Crowder and his advisers think he’s underpaid.

At a million bucks a year, Crowder is tied for being the fourth-highest paid linebacker on the Miami Dolphins roster, prompting his agent to ask the team for a new contract, according to the Miami Herald.

Okay, I grant you, these guys have a limited lifespan and have to maximize their earnings while they can. And it’s not like Crowder’s numbers are bad. He’s played 43 games, starting 37 since joining the team three seasons ago and he’s amassed 78, 103 and 84 tackles during that timespan, according to NFL.com.


Personal seat licenses getting out of hand

I meant to post about the concept of personal seat licenses – ransoms charged by teams for the right to attempt to get season tickets, especially in new stadiums – last week but I ran out of time. But it seems as though Zoneblitz isn’t the only football fan getting turned off by the degree to which this trend is pricing the average fan out of the game.

The most recent announcement – and the one that sent ZB over the edge – came from Dallas where Jerry Jones announced that fans would have to pay up to $150,000 for the right to purchase duckets for his billion dollar toy in Arlington.

Fox Sports rightly points out that this is on top of the $300 million in public financing the Cowboys received to construct what is supposed to be a wonder of an arena. Yes, $150,000 – not for the tickets, but for the right to have a chance to later buy the tickets.
