Wikipedia defines a Zone Blitz as:
“a common method of defensive pressure applied in American football, usually at the collegiate and professional levels. It exists in nearly limitless permutations, all of which share the common theme of confusing the offensive line by dropping pass-rushers into coverage, while at the same time blitzing players who would usually cover receivers.”
We like that description, and have modified it for the mission statement of
ZoneBlitz offers nearly limitless permutations of coverage of American Football, all of which share the common theme of [being] confusing.
Zoneblitz is operated by three Minnesota based football fans who have a disturbingly obsessive fascination with football, from fantasy football to the history of the game to the business behind the game. And we try to find time to actually watch the games for enjoyment as well.
In fact, we talk football so much that our wives can never believe that we generally never know what’s actually going on in the other’s lives. So, we decided to start this site so we have yet another reason to talk so much football. And possibly make a couple dollars off of it.
So we hope you’ll check out the site, add us to your regular list of football sites to read, and maybe tell your friends.
I'm sold on 4 of them Brian not quite sold on Benton just yet
A special election could continue to gather momentum but it would probably only be 3-5 players at the most. Its…
Agreed like you said the direct elect option is the only way that the super seniors get in
thanks..and honestly I was not the first to suggest it and it's an idea that many have supported and advocated…
Appreciate the feedback paul I agree with everything you said i like the direct elect idea myself