Andy Tellijohn is a freelance journalist with nearly 20 years of experience covering crime, business, sports and other topics. He has vague recollections of attending Vikings games at Metropolitan Stadium, which closed when he was six. Andy also is an avid fantasy sports player, who has conquered many leagues due in part to his willingness to enforce a personal Prohibition during drafts and auctions. The rest of the time, he enjoys bourbon, wine and the sweet taste of victory.
A co-founder of, he serves as the Managing Editor and has served as the primary writer.
Follow Tellijohn on Twitter at the @ZoneBlitzCom account.
I'm sold on 4 of them Brian not quite sold on Benton just yet
A special election could continue to gather momentum but it would probably only be 3-5 players at the most. Its…
Agreed like you said the direct elect option is the only way that the super seniors get in
thanks..and honestly I was not the first to suggest it and it's an idea that many have supported and advocated…
Appreciate the feedback paul I agree with everything you said i like the direct elect idea myself